Local Surveys

While we have deployed primarily country-level surveys, with the possibility of reporting regional/state data, the CoronaSurveys project is also working with local teams to provide local surveys. With sufficient support by local government and media, these local surveys can generate potentially useful data to complement existing sources.
As an example, we have deployed a local survey in Arganda/Rivas, two towns of about 150,000 people near Madrid, Spain:
As can be seen from the survey, questions can be customized (e.g., to request more precise neighborhood location information)  https://survey.coronasurveys.org/RA
As significant number of people have participated, and results have been reported locally:
You can see the results obtained (in Spanish) at https://coronasurveys.org/rivas-arganda/.
If you are interested in developing a local survey, please let us know at coronasurveys@imdea.org. We are not likely to be able to support all proposals at this point, but we will prioritize those having significant institutional and/or media support.
Please, provide the information about the local survey using this form https://coronasurveys.org/local-survey-proposal/.
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