Elisa Cabana
My name is Elisa Cabana, I am a PhD. in Mathematical Engineering by the University Carlos III of Madrid. My research there was focused in outlier detection which is a very important field in Statistics and Data Science, because in real data, atypicals might be present, and most of the classical methodologies for extracting information will fail. Therefore, robust methods should be used. We developed a robust approach to detect outliers in multivariate data that outperforms the classical methods and other robust alternatives previously proposed in the literature. We obtained very good performance even with high dimension or large contamination. This research line continues to develop together with the uc3m-Santander Big Data Institute in Madrid. On the other hand, I am currently a postdoc researcher at IMDEA Networks Institute also in Madrid, and I belong to the Data Transparency group where we are involved in H2020 European Projects of high relevance.