

Christin A. Glorioso

Dr. Glorioso is an Epidemiologist, Founder of the non-profit science advocacy organization, Academics for the Future of Science, and the Chief Strategist of the Bakar Aging Research Institute at UCSF School of Medicine.

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Paul Patras


I am an Associate Professor/Reader and Chancellor’s Fellow in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh.

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Davide Frey

Data Analyist

Davide Frey has been a researcher at Inria Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique since 2010. He received his PhD from Politecnico di Milano in Italy in 2006; he then worked as a post-doctoral researcher both at Washington University in St Louis (MO), and at Inria Rennes before being recruited as a permanent researcher in 2010. 

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Harold A Hdez Roig

Harold A. Hernández Roig

Survey Specialist

Harold A. Hernández Roig
He holds a BSc degree in Mathematics from Universidad de La Habana (2015) and an MSc degree in Mathematical Engineering from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2019).

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Rosa E. Lillo obtained her B.A. with Honors and her Ph.D. in Mathematics from Universidad Complutense (Madrid) in 1992 and 1996, respectively.


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Amanda García-García

Translation Manager

Amanda García-García received the Ph.D. on Communications Technologies and Systems at the Technical University of Madrid in 2016. She joined IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, in 2017 as a research engineer.

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Paolo Casari


Paolo Casari received the Ph.D. in Information Engineering in 2008 from the University of Padova, Italy. He was on leave at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007, working on underwater communications and networks.

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Elisa Cabana

Data Analyist

My name is Elisa Cabana, I am a PhD. in Mathematical Engineering by the University Carlos III of Madrid. My research there was focused in outlier detection which is a very important field in Statistics and Data Science, because in real data, atypicals might be present, and most of the classical methodologies for extracting information will fail.

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Chryssis Georgiou


Chryssis Georgiou is an Associate Professor of Conputer Science at the Universiry of Cyprus. He received a BSc in Mathematics (1998) at the University of Cyprus, and MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science & Engineering (2002 and 2003) at the University of Connecticut, CT, USA.

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Raquel Menezes

Survey Designer

Raquel Menezes is Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of Minho University, member of its Research Center of Mathematics, and collaborator of the Research Centre of Statistics and its Applications of Lisbon University (CEAUL).

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